May 2018 Announcing Two New Resources
Test Announcing Two New Resources
New Resource for Communities Expanding The Impact Of Community Engagement Around Public Awareness Of End Of Life Issues: A Resource For Interested Communities This e-newsletter has been developed as a resource for communities intending to undertake community engagement around public awareness and end of life issues (practitioners, strategic end of life leads and commissioners). Drawing
This new report highlights the different approaches people and organisations have taken to developing Compassionate Communities across England to be diverse. The Conversations for Life programme is honored to be one of the initiatives included in this study.We hope you will find the report informative. Compassionate Communities Final Report July 2013
Welcome to our new website! We are delighted to be able to launch the Conversations for Life Programme with this new website! Five years ago I held a conversation with my own mother that changed everything for her last days of living and I dreamt of being able to provide others with the information and
Excerpt from “One Woman’s Choice” (c) 2005 “I guess I’ve known I was coming to the end of my life, but I was avoiding it. I don’t want to struggle anymore.” My mother was speaking from her heart and I was listening. It was just an ordinary day when my mother and I had the